New York State's new broadband map - address-level and interactive

Quick Information from the NYS Website

The Importance of Broadband Mapping

Access to affordable and reliable high-speed broadband service is critical. New Yorkers with such capacity can receive medical care, work remotely, continue their educations, and connect with family and friends. Conversely, New Yorkers without such capacity can be cut off from the economy, their schools, and other essential services. For these reasons, ensuring reliable and affordable connectivity in every corner of the State is paramount.

Unlike previous broadband mapping efforts, the Broadband Assessment Program concentrates on location-level data. This data is updated annually to assist the public and private sectors in addressing broadband policy, spending, and planning efforts, and to better inform all New Yorkers of what and where high-speed broadband services are available.

How to Use the Site

The interactive map on this site provides you with the ability to explore the State's broadband availability. Search an address to see what internet service providers are available, what type of technology providers are using, what potential speeds are being offered, and explore the links to the providers' websites to see current offers and pricing. Additional information is provided to illustrate what percentage of the State is Served, Underserved, or Unserved pursuant to the Act's definitions. For other questions related to the map, please reach out to

Click the above image to head to the map and see if you have service!


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